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MUSIKADO (organiser)


Musikado is a French association created in 1996 and based in the town of Brioude (7.000 inhabitants –
Auvergne - Central France). It develops artistic and local development projects mainly aimed at youth:

* music concerts and contests;

* short video film production; video game evenings;

* promotion of active citizenship;

* health prevention;

* promotion of local cultural heritage;

* EU activities: youth exchanges, seminars & T Cs, youth initiatives, EVS (2011-FR-79).



EUROPEAN partners



NATIONAL and LOCAL partners


Ville de Brioude:

Mission Locale de Brioude:

French National Agency for ERASMUS+/ YOUTH:





Epp Adler is an estonian Trainer, who has been working with international youth projects since 2001. International youth work is Epp’s passion, as she believes it is often easier to find new inspiration and also start local activities abroad. Epp also got involved in youth work thanks to a Youth in Action financed training course in Germany, where she met Estonian youth workers and as a result found a traineeship placement that started her career. Besides Estonia, Epp has lived and studied in Finland and USA, did her EVS in Ukraine and has travelled for work and pleasure to many parts of the world.

As a trainer Epp is an observer and loves to surprise people with their own abilities. She believes that people already know and can do most things, they just don’t know it. Central elements in Epp’s trainings are developing creativity, raising self-esteem and courage, as her work with people has proven that those are the key elements to success in any field.

Epp has founded a non-profit HeadEst in Estonia and has been running it since 2004.




Emmanuel Mappus is a French Trainer and project designer sharing is time between France and Greece. He has started his work on international youth projects in 1997 through a Musical Youth Exchange. Then, followed an EVS project in Greece in 1998 and after that numerous intercultural and european mobility programs.

As a free-lance, he co-operates with French NGOs and institutions (among them Musikado from 2003) and european organisations. He has been co-ordinator of the european network ENYC (2009-2012). He has been coordinator of WWOOF Greece for 5 years.

From 2009 he started to tell folk fairy tales in schools, bars and cultural centers; he is at the moment developing workshops combining storytelling and non formal education. Another of his passion are games (board games).

When he is not travelling, he lives in the countryside in the middle of wild herbs and trees.




Frédéric or Fred Giroux is the soul of Musikado. He has founded the association with a group of friends all fond of music. In 2003 he started with Musikado the intercultural adventure with a musical youth exchange. In 2009 Musikado hosted its first EVS volunteer.

He is manager of the music studio of Brioude, plays the guitar, drums, djembe and is very active in different associative bodies of Brioude.

His dream is to spend his time gathering mushrooms in the countryside of Auvergne and further.


… and all the MUSIKADO TEAM… !



Promotion before the TC (by Musikado and EU partners)


[To be added]



Dissemination of results of the TC (by Musikado and EU partners)


[To be added]

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